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As an undergraduate at Cornell University I majored in Neurobiology and Behavior and was intrigued by the concept that neuronal communication was affected by drugs. I chose to further understand this process by pursuing a Ph.D. in Pharmacology, where my first publication described molecular mechanisms by which antipsychotic drugs alter the response to dopamine. My postdoctoral studies provided further education into catecholamine metabolism and cellular regulation. When I joined the University of California San Diego (UCSD) as a Research Assistant Professor, I was able to pursue and get funding for work on muscarinic receptors and discover signal transduction pathways used by acetylcholine and other classes of G-protein coupled receptors. My laboratory’s research has been consistently funded since that time, and focused on signal transduction from G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) to cellular responses in the cardiovascular system and in astroglial cells and glioblastoma tumors.  Current studies focus on signals transduced through the small G-protein RhoA, receptors for thrombin and sphingosine-1 phosphate, and the role of transcriptional pathways in regulating tumor growth and inflammation.


In my time at UCSD I rose through the ranks to that of Distinguished Professor. I have served as Chair of the Department of Pharmacology in the UCSD School of Medicine since 2005 and also am Director of a large NIH funded training grant in Molecular Pharmacology.  In these capacities, I take pleasure in motivating and training the next generation of academic and research pharmacologists. I have had multiple collaborators, as well as pre- and postdoctoral trainees, and am appreciated for my role as a mentor to women and junior faculty. My national and international reputation has been honored by named lectureships and awards from scholarly societies, as well as by inclusion on Scientific Advisory Boards and Editorial board of numerous journals.

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EDUCATION:     Cornell University, A.B. in Neurobiology and Behavior, 1967

                                      Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Ph.D. in Pharmacology, 1973




1967-1973                   PhD, Pharmacology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine


1973-1975                   Postdoctoral Fellow, Pharmacology, University of Colorado Medical Center


1975-1979                   Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Pharmacology, University of California San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine


1980-1985                  Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, UCSD School of Medicine


1985-1990                  Associate Professor Department of Pharmacology, UCSD School of Medicine


1990-2012                  Professor, Department of Pharmacology, UCSD School of Medicine


2001 – 2003              Vice Chair, Department of Pharmacology, UCSD School of Medicine


2003 – 2004              Interim Chair, Department of Pharmacology, UCSD School of Medicine


2004 – Present         Chair, Department of Pharmacology, UCSD School of Medicine


2012 – Present          Distinguished Professor, Department of Pharmacology, UCSD School of Medicine




              NIH Predoctoral Trainee, Department of Pharmacology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1967-1973

              NIH Postdoctoral Trainee, Department of Pharmacology, University of Colorado Medical Center, 1973-1975




Past Support (Abbreviated):

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association

Faculty Development Award, 1979-1981

American Heart Association

Grant-in-Aid, 1980-1982, 1982-1985; Established Investigator Award, 1981-1985

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI),

Young Investigator Award, 1979-1982; Ischemic Heart Disease SCOR, 1985-1988; Program Project Grant (Chien), 1992-1997, 1997-2002, 2002-2007, RO1, (G. Dorn) 2002-2007; Program Project Grant (Sussman), 2006-2011, 2013-2018; Program Project Grant (Bers), 2006-2011, 2011-2017.

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

Research Grant, (R01) 1982-1986, 1986-1990, 1990-1994, 1994-1997, 1997-2001, 2001-2005, 2006-2010, 2010-2015 (R37 MERIT 2015-2020)

National Institutes of General Medical Sciences (GM)

Research Grant (RO1) 1986-1990, 1990-1995, 1995-1999, 2000-2004, 2004-2008, 2009-2015

Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program Research Grant, July 1990-1994

University of California Cancer Research Coordinating Committee, 1985-1986, 1987-1988

SCIOS Inc. 2004-2006

UC MEXUS (CN-06-109) 2006-2008

Fast Forward–MERCK KGaA Collaboration 2013-2015

National Institutes of Health (HL105242-McCulloch A, PI, Brown JH, Co-Investigator) Research Grant (RO1), 2011-

2016 “Multi-scale systems model of murine heart failure”

National Institutes of Health (HL080101-Bers D, PI, Brown JH, Project IV Leader) Program Project Grant (PPG), 2006-

 2011; 2011-2017 “CaMKII and IP3-mediated signaling in cardiac myocytes”

National Institutes of Health (GM036927-Brown JH, PI) Research Grant, (RO1), January 1986-1990, 1990-1995, 1995-

1999, 2000-2004, 2003-2008, 2009-2015, “Rho- and GPCR-mediated signaling through novel cellular effectors”

National Institute of Health (2P01 HL085577-Sussman, PI, Brown JH, Project II Leader) project grant (PPG), 2013-

2018 “Restoration of myocardial healing through G-protein coupled receptor signaling”.

Tobacco Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP-261P-0040–Brown JH, PI) Research Grant 2017-

2020 “Inflammatory cardiovascular disease induced by autonomic effects of e-cigs”

    Current Support:

National Institutes of Health (R01HL028143-Brown JH, PI) Research Grant, (R01/R37) 1982-1986, 1986-1990,
1990-1994, 1994-1997, 1997-2001, 2001-2005, 2006-2010, 2010-2015, year 27 (MERIT 2015-2021) “RhoA
mediated survival signals in cardiomyocytes”

National Institutes of Health (R01CA218859–Brown JH, PI) Research Grant 2018-2023; “RhoA and GPCR
mediated transcriptional activation regulates glioblastoma”


National Institutes of Health (R01HL145459 Brown JH, MPI with Miyamoto, S) Research Grant 2019-2023
“Cardiomyocyte CaM kinase II as a driver of cardiac inflammation and remodeling”.




Director, Leadership:

National Institutes of Health (GM007752-42 Brown JH, PI, Acting Director 2004-2009, Director 2009–2014, 2014-2019, 2019-2024; Handel T, Co-PI, 2019-2024) Training Grant (T32), Graduate Training in Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology 


Participating Faculty Member:

             Interdisciplinary Anesthesiology Research Training Program (T32) (PI- Patel)

            Training in Cardiovascular Physiology & Pharmacology (T32) (PI- Ross, R.)  

           Molecular Biological Approaches to Endocrinology (T32) (PI- Rosenfeld M. G.)

           Mentoring Young Minds to Increase Diversity in The Biomedical Research (R25) (PI- De Maio) 

           Faculty Development Program in Cardiovascular Sciences; PRIDE/FOCUS (R25) (PI- Trejo)

          Training Program in Diabetes Research  (T32) (PI- Saltiel)

          Multidisciplinary Training In Basic And Translational Alzheimer's Disease Research (T32) (PI- Koo E.)  

          Translational Research Training in Pulmonary Vascular Disease Training Grant (T32) (PI- Yuan, J.)

          Integrative Bioengineering of Heart, Vessels and Blood (T32) (PI- McCulloch)




Phi Beta Kappa, Cornell University, 1967

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Faculty Development Award, 1979 – 1981

Young Investigator Award, NHLBI, 1979-1982

Established Investigator Award, American Heart Association, 1981–1985

 Faculty Distinguished Lecturer, University of California San Diego, 1998

 NHLBI/Baker Research Institute US/Australia Exchange Fellow, 1998 – 1999

White Memorial Lecturer, Loyola University, 2001

Fellow of the American Heart Association (F.A.H.A.), 2001

Fellow of the International Society for Heart Research (ISHR), 2004

Louis S. Goodman Lecturer (OHSU), 2004

Chair, Molecular Pharmacology Gordon Research Conference, 1999

1st Annual Distinguished Ph.D. Alumna Award, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 2007

 Benedict R. Lucchesi Distinguished Lectureship in Cardiac Pharmacology for 2009

 PhRMA Foundation Award in Excellence for 2009

 Kaiser Excellence in Teaching Award nominee, 2009

ASPET Molecular Pharmacology Awards Symposium Keynote speaker, 2010

Chair, Cardiac Regulatory Mechanisms Gordon Research Conference, 2010

NHLBI Method to Extend Research in Time (MERIT) Award for NIH grant HL028143, 2010

San Diego Women Who Mean Business Award, 2011

Emory Distinguished Lecturer in Pharmacology Award, 2013

AHA Basic Cardiovascular Sciences (BCVS) Distinguished Achievement Award, 2012

ISHR Janice Pfeffer Distinguished Lecture, 2014

Luis G. Melo Memorial Lecture in Molecular Cardiology, Queen’s University 2016

ASPET Otto Krayer Award in Pharmacology, 2017

Keynote Speaker, 5th Annual Celebration for UCSD New Women Faculty, La Jolla, CA May 2017

Arthur Briggs Lectureship, UT Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, October 2017

Keynote Speaker, ASPET Great Lakes Chapter, 31st Annual Meeting, June 2018

UCSD Inaugural Faculty Leadership Academy 2018

Keynote Speaker, Cardiac Muscle Society Meeting, 2020

ASPET Robert R. Ruffolo Career Achievement Award in Pharmacology, 2020

            Fellow of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (FASPET), 2020

            ASPET Julius Axelrod Award in Pharmacology, 2021.




American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET)

American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)

American Heart Association (AHA)

American Physiology Society (APS)

International Society for Heart Research (ISHR)

Society for Neuroscience




Editor in Chief, Molecular Pharmacology, 2000 – 2003

Associate Editor, Molecular Pharmacology, 2003 – 2005

Editorial Board, Molecular Pharmacology, 1984 – 2000; 2017 – present

Editorial Board, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1988 – 1994

Editorial Board, American Journal of Physiology:  Cell Physiology, 1998 – 1999

Editorial Advisory Board, Molecular Interventions, 2000 – 2010

Editorial Board, Cellular Signaling, 1990 – present

Editorial Board, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 1999 – present

Advisory Board, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery  2002 – present

Editorial Board, Circulation, 2003 – 2016

Editorial Board, Circulation Research, 2003 – 2018

Editorial Advisory Board, Life Sciences 2013 – present

Editorial Advisory Board, Molecular Pharmacology 2017 – present




Doctoral Committee member: 130 PhD Thesis Committees


Thesis advisor:

Glenn Wetzel, Susan Brown Masters, Stephanie Orellana, Ioanna Trilivas, James Eubanks, JoAnn Trejo, Terrie Ramirez, Lila Collins, Mousumi Majumdar, Valerie Tan-Sah, Sarah Moskowitz Sagi, Michael Morissette, Amy Pagel Howes, Chris Means, Dominic Del Re, Shikha Mishra, Stephanie Dusaban, Charles Gray, Olivia Wu, Andrew Willeford


Postdoctoral advisor/research scientist mentor:

Patrick McDonough, Linda K. Jones, Lawrence Quilliam, Betsy Martinson, Haruo Abe, Eleanor Kennedy, Maria Nieto, Ginell Post, Tania Massamiri, Xiao-Lan Zhao, John Adams, Tammy Seasholtz, Eric Johnson, Tong Zhang, Shuji Kawamura, Chun-Yang Xiao, Shigeki Miyamoto, Rosalia Matteo, Julie Radeff-Huang, Simona Citro, Colin Walsh, Geir Florholmen, Haiyun Ling, Michael Grimm, Nicole Purcell, Sunny Yang Xiang, Nekeisha Nogal, Jacqueline Sayyah, Xia Zhao, Daan Westenbrink, Alessandra Castaldi, Takeshi Suetomi, Cameron Brand, Takeshi Suetomi, Olga Chaim, Van Ninh, Anabel Flores


Visiting scholar/exchange student advisor:

Prakesh Sulakhe, Haruo Abe, Michel Puceat, Elizabeth Woodcock, Hiroshi Yoshida, Deirdre O’Shaughnessey, Jorge Carretero-Ortega, Min Kyung Cho, Anna Aragay, Cristiane Benincá, Elena Hernandez, Tolani Olonisakin, Anna Ferreté Bonastre, Ramsinh Dodia, Olga Chaim, Jing Li , Gisela Zalcman




National Institutes of Health

NIH Pharmacological Sciences Review Committee, 1987–1991;Program Project Grant Review Committee, 2006;Pharmacology Sciences Training Grant Site Visit Committee, 2006–2007;Myocardial Ischemia and Metabolism Study Section, adhoc member, 2009;Molecular and Integrative Signal Transduction Study Section, permanent member, 2009–2012

NIH Special Emphasis Panel (SEP) ZRG1 CBJ70, Common Fund Program "Illuminating the Druggable Genome"  2019, 2020


American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET)

ASPET Subcommittee on Women in Pharmacology, 1982-1992; Nominating Committee, 1986, 1998 (Chair); ASPET Award Selection Committee, 1985 and 1994; Executive Committee, Division for Molecular Pharmacology, 1997, 1998; Board of Publication Trustee, 1999-2003


Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)

Burroughs Wellcome Visiting Professorship Committee, 1998–2001; FASEB Excellence in Science Award Committee, 2014–2017


American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Equal Opportunity Committee


American Heart Association, National

Research Study Section, 1987 - 1988, 1988 - 1989

Katz Prize Committee, 1995 - 1997

Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences, (Program Committee) 2004 - 2008

Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences, (Leadership Committee) 2003 - 2005, 2010 - 2014


American Heart Association, California (Western States) Affiliate

Peer Review Committee, 1992, 1993 - 1995 (Vice Chair), 1995 - 1997 (Chair); Research Committee, 1995-2000;Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Council 2010-2012  


Keystone Symposia Drug Discovery Study Group, 2008


International Society for Heart Research (ISHR)

 Councilor, North American Section 2003 – 2005; 2012-present

 Nominating Committee (Chair), 2005 – 2006

 World Congress, Chair, 2013


Gordon Research Conferences

Molecular Pharmacology, Vice-Chair 1997, Chair 1999;

Cardiac Regulatory Mechanisms, Vice-Chair 2008, Chair 2010


University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), Chair Review, Sept. 2008


National University of Singapore, Cluster Visiting Review Committee, Oct. 2016


Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology Review, Nov. 2016


          Association of Medical School Pharmacology Chairs (AMSPC) Councilor, 2020 – 2023


         Center for Circadian Biology (CCB), External Advisory Board Executive Committee, 2019-present



Keystone Symposium on Molecular Cardiology, Keystone, CO, February 2011

La Jolla Cardiovascular International Collaborative Research Conference, La Jolla, CA, March 2011

University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Integrative Biology & Pharmacology Seminar, Houston, TX, April 2011

International Society for Heart Research North American Section Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, May, 2011

FASEB Summer Research Conference:  Regulation and Function of Small GTPases, Saxtons River, VT, June, 2011

AHA BCVS Conference, New Orleans, LA, July 2011

FASEB Summer Research Conference: Lysophospholipid Mediators in Health and Disease, Lucca, Italy, August 2011

AHA Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL, November 2011

AMSPC Chairs Meeting, Maui, HI, January 2012

Experimental Biology Meeting, San Diego, CA, April, 2012

Cardiology Research Speaker, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, May 2012

Wells Center Seminar at the Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, May 2012

International Society for Heart Research North American Section Meeting, Banff, AB, Canada, May 2012

GRC Cardiac Regulatory Mechanisms, New London, NH, June 2012

GRC Phosphorylation & G-Protein Mediated Signaling Networks, Biddeford, ME, June 2012

International Society for Heart Research Australian Section Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, August 2012

University of Oklahoma, Department of Cell Biology, Annual student invited speaker October 2012

American Heart Association, Los Angeles, November 2012

Emory University of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, March 2013

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, March 2013

Keystone Symposia, Snowbird, UT, April 2013

HSFA Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL September 2013

AHA Scientific Session, Dallas, TX November 2013

AHA Go Red Building Research Event, UCSD February 6, 2014

Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA, April 2014

ISHR, Miami, May 2014

International Society for Heart Research, Barcelona, June 2014

Basic Cardiovascular Research, Las Vegas, July 2014

Biological Regulation and Enzyme Activity in Normal and Neoplastic tissues, Bologna, Italy, September 2014

12th annual CHFR symposium on heart failure, Oslo, Norway, September 2014

GRC, Molecular Pharmacology, Ventura, California, February 2015

Cornell University, New York, May 2015

Rutgers University, New Jersey, May 2015

ISHR, North American Section meeting, Seattle, June 2015

BCVS, New Orleans, July 2015

AHA, Scientific Sessions, Orlando, Nov 2015

Experimental Biology, San Diego, April, 2016

ISHR World Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2016

Lipid Mediators in Health and Disease, San Diego, May 2016

GRC, Phosphorylation & G-Protein Mediated Signaling Networks, Biddeford, ME June 2016

FASEB SRC Phospholipid Signaling, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, August 2016

BCVS Scientific Sessions, Phoenix, Arizona, July 2016

Queen’s University, Luis G. Melo Memorial Lecture Series in Molecular Cardiology, Toronto, Canada, Oct 2016

University of Minnesota, Lillehei Heart Institute, Minneapolis, MN, Oct 2016

UC Davis, Frontiers in Pharmacology Seminar Series, Davis, CA, March 2017

Experimental Biology, Chicago, IL, April 2017

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL April 2017

Cincinnati Children’s Heart Institute, 2016-2017 Cody Lecture Series, Cincinnati, OH, May 2017

ISHR, New Orleans, LA, May 2017

FASEB Science Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, August 2017

The Heart Institute, San Diego State University, October 2017

Arthur Briggs Lectureship, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, October 2017

AHA Scientific Sessions, Anaheim, November 2017

University of Washington Mitochondria and Metabolism Center, Seattle, WA December 2017

Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA, April 2018

World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, Kyoto, Japan, July 2018

ASPET Great Lakes Chapter, 31st Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL June 2018

BCVS, San Antonio, TX July 2018

University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ September 2018

AHA Scientific Sessions Chicago, IL November 2018

ASCB-EMBO Joint Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA December 2018

UCSD-UCLA Diabetes Research Center Retreat, La Jolla, CA, April 2019

ISHR World Congress, Beijing, China, June 2019

Institute of Experimental Cardiology, University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany, November 2019

University Medical Center, Göttingen, Germany, November 2019

Max Plank Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim, Germany, November 2019

Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, November 2019 1/22/2020 12

University of Alabama, Comprehensive Cardiovascular Center (CCVC), Birmingham, AL, January 2020

Keynote Speaker, Cardiac Muscle Society Meeting, San Diego, CA, February 2020

ISHR North American Section, Denver, CO, May 2020

Gordon Research Conference, Phosphorylation and G protein Signaling Networks, NH, June 2020

NYAS, Immune Contribution to Heart Failure and Therapeutic Opportunities, NY Oct. 2020

             Stanford Frontiers in Cardiovascular Science Virtual Series, Jan. 2021


             ISHR North American Section, Denver, CO, September 2021 

            Stanford Frontiers in Cardiovascular Science Virtual Series, Feb. 2022

            19th World Congress of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, Glasgow, Scotland, July 2022

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UCSD | Department of Pharmacology | 9500 Gilman Drive #0636 | La Jolla, CA 92093-0636

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