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Complete Publications

1.             Brown J.H., Makman M.H.  Stimulation by dopamine of adenylate cyclase in retinal homogenates and of adenosine-3': 5’-cyclic monophosphate formation in intact retina.  Proc Nat’l Acad Sci USA, 69:539-543, 1972. 


2.             Brown J.H., Makman M.H.  Influence of neuroleptic drugs and apomorphine on dopamine sensitive adenylate cyclase of retina.  J Neurochem, 21:477-479, 1973.


3.             Makman M.H., Brown J.H., and Mishra R.K. Cyclic AMP in retina and caudate nucleus:  influence of dopamine and other agents, Advances in Cyclic Nucleotide Research, 5:661-679, Raven Press, New York, 1975. 


4.             Makman M.H., Mishra R.K. and Brown J.H.Drug interactions with dopamine-stimulated adenylate cyclase of caudate nucleus and retina:  direct agonist effect of a metabolite of ET495, Advances in Neurology, 9:213-222, Raven Press, New York, 1975.


5.             Brown J.H., Nelson D.L., Molinoff P.B. Organ culture of the rat superior cervical ganglion.J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 201:298-311, 1977.


6.             Brown J.H., Thompson B., Mayer S.E.  Conversion of skeletal muscle glycogen synthase to multiple glucose-6-P dependent forms by cyclic adenosine monophosphate dependent and independent protein kinases.  Biochemistry, 16:5501-5508, 1977. 


7.             Mayer S.E., Dobson Jr. J.G., W.R. Ingebretsen Jr., G. Becker, Brown J.H., W.F. Friedman and Ross Jr. J. Ionic regulation of signal transfer from adrenergic receptors in cardiac muscle, Advances in Cyclic Nucleotide Research, 9:305-314, Raven Press, New York, 1978. 


8.             Brown J.H., Brunton L.L., Hayes J.S., Reese J.B. and Mayer S.E. Cyclic nucleotide accumulation and hormonal modulation of cardiac metabolism and contraction, Advances in Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 3:143-152, Pergamon Press, New York, 1978.


9.             Brown J.H.and Mayer S.E. Receptor-effector coupling in cardiac muscle, Catecholamines: Basic and Clinical Frontiers Vol II: 423-425, Pergamon Press, 1979.


10.           Makman M.H., H.S. Ahn, M. Rosenfeld, L.A. Opler, Brown J.H.and B. Dvorkin. Influence if erget derivatives on the different types of dopamine receptors and on other amine receptors in primate brain, Dopaminergic Ergot Derivatives and Motor Function, pp. 101-114, Pergamon Press, 1979.


11.           Hayes J.S., Brunton L.L., Brown J.H., Reese J.B., Mayer S.E.  Hormonally specific expression of cardiac protein kinase activity. Proc Nat’l Acad Sci USA, 76:1570-1574, 1979. 


12.           Brown J.H.  Depolarization induced inhibition of cyclic AMP accumulation:  cholinergic-adrenergic antagonism in murine atria.  Mol Pharmacol, 16:841-850, 1979. 


13.           Brown J.H.  Cholinergic inhibition of catecholamine-stimulable cyclic AMP accumulation in murine atria.  J Cyclic Nucl Res, 5:423-433, 1979. 


14.           Brown J.H., Eichner R.E., Thompson B., Mayer S.E. Dephosphorylation and activation of exogenous glycogen synthase by adipose-tissue phosphatase. Biochem J, 188:221-228, 1980. 


15.           Brown J.H., Rietow M.  Muscarinic-dopaminergic synergism on retinal cyclic AMP formation. Brain Research, 215:388-392, 1981.


16.           Brown J.H.  Calcium-dependent blockade of cardiac cyclic AMP accumulation by batrachotoxin and veratridine. Mol Pharmacol, 20:113-117, 1981. 


17.           J.S. Karliner, Motulsky H.J., Dunlap J., Brown J.H., Insel P.A.   Verapamil competitively inhibits alpha1-adrenergic and muscarinic but not beta-adrenergic receptors in rat myocardium. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol, 4:515-520, 1982. 


18.           Brown J.H., Wetzel G., Dunlap J.  Activation and blockade of cardiac muscarinic receptors by endogenous acetylcholine and cholinesterase inhibitors.  J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 223:20-24, 1982. 


19.           Dunlap J., Brown J.H.  Heterogeneity of binding sites on cardiac muscarinic receptors induced by the neuromuscular blocking agents gallamine and pancuronium.  Mol Pharmacol, 24:15-22, 1983. 


20.           Brown S., Brown J.H.  Muscarinic stimulation of phosphatidylinositol metabolism in atria. Mol Pharmacol, 24:351-356, 1983. 


21.           Wetzel G., Brown J.H.  Relationships between choline uptake, acetylcholine synthesis and acetylcholine release in isolated rat atria.  J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 226:343-348, 1983. 


22.           Meier K.E., M.D. Snavely, Brown S.L., Brown J.H., Insel P.A.  Alpha and beta-adrenergic receptor expression in the MDCK epithelial cell line.  J Cell Biol, 97:405-415, 1983. 


23.           Brown J.H.and Brown S.L. Muscarinic regulation of phosphatidyl-inositol turnover and cyclic nucleotide metabolism in the heart. Fed Proc, 43:2613-2617, 1984.


24.           Brown J.H.and Brown S.L. Does phosphoinositide metabolism mediate "inhibitory" as well as "excitatory" muscarinic response, Trends in Pharmacological Science, 5:417-420, 1984.


25.           Brown J.H., Brown S.L.  Agonists differentiate muscarinic receptors that inhibit cyclic AMP formation from those that stimulate phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis. J Biol Chem, 259:3777-3781, 1984. 


26.           Brown J.H., Dunlap J.  Differences and similarities in muscarinic receptors of rat heart and retina:  effects of agonists, guanine nucleotides and N-ethylmaleimide.  J Neurochem, 43:214-220, 1984. 


27.           Masters S.B., Harden T.K., Brown J.H.  Relationship between phosphoinositide and calcium responses to muscarinic agonists in astrocytoma cells.  Mol Pharmacol, 26:149-155, 1984. 


28.           Kelsoe J.R. Jr., Gillin J.C., Janowsky D.S., Brown J.H., Risch S.C. and Lumkin B. Failure to confirm muscarinic receptors on skin fibroblasts. N Eng J Med, 312:861, 1985.


29.           Wetzel, G.T., Brown J.H.  Presynaptic modulation of acetylcholine release from cardiac parasympathetic neurons. Am J Physiol, 248 (Heart Circ Physiol) H33-H39, 1985. 


30.           Orellana S.A., Brown J.H.  Stimulation of phosphoinositide hydrolysis and inhibition of cyclic AMP formation by muscarinic agonist in developing chick heart.  Biochem Pharmacol, 34:1321-1324, 1985. 


31.           Masters S.B., Quinn M., Brown J.H.  Agonist-induced desensitization of muscarinic receptor-mediated calcium efflux without concomitant desensitization of phosphoinositide hydrolysis.  Mol Pharmacol, 27:325-332, 1985.  


32.           Masters S.B., Harden T.K., Brown J.H.  Pertussis toxin does not inhibit muscarinic stimulation of phosphoinositide hydrolysis or calcium mobilization.  Biochem J, 227:933-937, 1985. 


33.           Brown J.H., Goldstein D., Masters S.B.  The putative M1muscarinic receptor does not regulate phosphoinositide hydrolysis:  Studies with pirenzepine and McN A343 in chick heart and astrocytoma cells. Mol Pharmacol, 27:525-531, 1985. 


34.           Wetzel G.T., Goldstein D., Brown J.H.  Acetylcholine release from rat atria can be regulated through an alpha1-adrenergic receptor.  Circ Res, 56:763-766, 1985. 


35.           Orellana S.A., Solski P.A., Brown J.H.  Phorbol esters inhibit phosphoinositide hydrolysis and calcium mobilization in cultured astrocytoma cells.  J Biol Chem, 260:5236-5239, 1985. 


36.           Brown J.H., Buxton I.L., Brunton L.L.  Alpha1-adrenergic and muscarinic cholinergic stimulation of phosphoinositide hydrolysis in adult rat cardiomyocytes.  Circ Res, 57:532-537, 1985.


37.           Evans T., Helper J.R., Masters S.B., Brown J.H., Harden T.K.  Guanine nucleotide regulation of agonist binding to muscarinic cholinergic receptor:  relation to efficacy of agonists for stimulation of phosphatidyl-inositol breakdown and Ca++mobilization.  Biochem J, 232:751-757, 1985.


38.           Brown J.H.and Jones L.G.  Phosphoinositide metabolism in the heart.  In:  Phosphoinositide and Receptor Mechanisms, J.W. Putney, ed., Alan Liss, New York, pp. 245-270, 1986.


39.           Brown J.H. and Masters S.B. Differential effects of carbachol and oxotremorine on muscarinic receptors, cyclic AMP formation and phosphoinositide turnover in chick heart cells. In: Dynamics of Cholinergic Function, I. Hanin ed, Plenum Press, pp. 939-946, 1986.


40.           Kelsoe J.R. Jr., Gillin J.C., Janowsky D.S., Brown J.H., Risch S.C., Lumkin B.  Specific [3H]-N-methylscopolamine binding without cholinergic function in cultured adult skin fibroblasts.  Life Sci, 38:1399-1408 1986.


41.           Brown J.H., Goldstein D.  Analysis of cardiac muscarinic receptors recognized selectively by nonquaternary but not quaternary ligands.  J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 238:580-586, 1986


42.           McDonough P.M., Wetzel G.A., Brown J.H.  Further characterization of the presynaptic alpha1-receptor modulating [3H] ACh release from rat atria.  J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 238:612-617, 1986.


43.           Harden T.K., Heng M., Brown J.H.  Receptor reserve in the calcium-dependent cyclic AMP response of astrocytoma cells to muscarinic receptor stimulation:  Demonstration by agonist desensitization, receptor inactivation and phorbol ester treatment.  Mol Pharmacol, 30:200-206, 1986.


44.           Brown J.H., Goldstein D.  Differences in muscarinic receptor reserve for inhibition of adenylate cyclase and stimulation of phosphoinositide hydrolysis.  Mol Pharmacol, 30:566-570, 1986.


45.           Harden T.K., L.I. Tanner, M.W. Martin, A.R. Hughes, Helper J.R., Evans T., Masters S.B. and Brown J.H. Characteristics of two prominent biochemical responses to stimulation of muscarinic cholinergic receptors.  Trends in Pharmacologic Sciences, (Suppl) Subtypes of Muscarinic Receptors II, pp. 14-18 1986.


46.           Brown J.H., Goldstein D. and Masters S.B. Biochemical evidence for muscarinic receptor subtypes. In:  Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Pharmacology, M.J. Rand and C. Raper, ed., pp. 55-58, 1987.


47.           A. Giachetti, U. Mittman, Brown al. Cardioselective muscarinic antagonists (Symposium Summary).  Fed Proc, 46:2523-2535, 1987.


48.           Orellana S.A., Brown J.H.  Guanosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate)-dependent inositol trisphosphate formation in membranes is inhibited by phorbol ester and protein kinase C.  J Biol Chem, 262:1638-1643, 1987.


49.           Ambler K., Thompson B., Solski P., Brown J.H., Taylor P.  Receptor-mediated inositol phosphate formation in relation to calcium mobilization:  a comparison of two cell lines. Mol Pharmacol, 32:376-383, 1987.


50.           McGrattan P.A., Brown J.H., Brown O.M.  Parasympathetic effects on the in vivorat heart can be regulated through an alpha1-adrenergic receptor.  Circ Res, 60:465-471, 1987.


51.           Tajima T., Tsui Y., Brown J.H., Pappano A.  Pertussis toxin-insensitive phosphoinositide hydrolysis, membrane depolarization and positive inotropic effect of carbachol in chick atria.  Circ Res, 61:436-445, 1987.


52.           Jones L.G. and Brown J.H.Guanine nucleotide regulated inositol polyphosphate production in adult rat cardiomyocytes In:  Biology of Isolated Adult Cardiac Myocytes, pp. 257-260, Elsevier, 1988. 


53.           Brown J.H., Orellana S.A., Buss J.E. and Quilliam L.A. Regulation of phosphoinositide hydrolysis by GTP-binding proteins, phorbol esters and botulinum toxin type D. Adv Exp Med Biol, 236:229-237, 1988.


54.           McDonough P., Eubanks J., Brown J.H.  Desensitization and recovery of muscarinic and histaminergic Ca2+mobilization in 1321N1 astrocytoma cells.  Biochem J, 249:135-141, 1988.


55.           Jones L.G., Goldstein D., Brown J.H.  Guanine nucleotide-dependent inositol trisphosphate formation in chick heart cells. Circ Res, 62:299-305, 1988.


56.           McDonough P.M., Goldstein D., Brown J.H.  Elevation of cytoplasmic calcium concentration stimulates hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate in chick heart cells:  effect of sodium channel activators.  Mol Pharmacol, 33: 310-315, 1988.


57.           Quilliam L.A., Brown J.H., Buss J.E.  A 22 kDa ras-related G protein is the substrate for an ADP-ribosyltransferase from clostridium botulinum. FEBS Lett, 238:22-26, 1988.


58.           Taylor P. and Brown J.H.  Acetylcholine.  In:  Basic Neurochemistry:  Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects, Fourth Edition, G.J. Siegel, ed., Raven Press, pp. 203-231, 1989.


59.           Brown J.H.and McDonough P.  Muscarinic receptor regulation of inositol phospholipid metabolism and calcium mobilization.  In:  Muscarinic Receptors, Brown J.H., ed., Humana Press, pp. 259-307, 1989.


60.           Trilivas I., Brown J.H.  Increases in intracellular Ca2+regulate the binding of [3H]phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate to intact 1321N1 astrocytoma cells.  J Biol Chem, 264:3102-3107, 1989.


61.           Jones L.G., McDonough P.M., Brown J.H.  Thrombin and trypsin act at the same site to stimulate phosphoinositide hydrolysis and calcium mobilization.  Mol Pharmacol, 36:142-149, 1989.


62.           Martinson E., Goldstein D., Brown J.H.  Muscarinic receptor activation of phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis:  relationship to phosphoinositide hydrolysis and diacylglycerol metabolism.  J Biol Chem, 264:14748-14754, 1989.


63.           Brown J.H.  Atropine, scopolamine and related antimuscarinic drugs.  In:  Goodman and Gilman’s, The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Eighth Edition, A.G. Gilman, T. Rall, A. Neis and Taylor P., eds., Pergamon Press, N.Y., pp. 150-165, 1990.


64.           Quilliam L.A. andBrown J.H.The involvement of a GTP regulatory protein in muscarinic receptor stimulated inositol phospholipid metabolism. G‑Proteins and Calcium Signaling, P. Naccache, ed., 13:59-75, CRC Press, 1990.


65.           Brown J.H., Trilivas I., Trejo J. and Martinson E. Multiple pathways for signal transduction through the muscarinic cholinergic receptor. Progress in Brain Research, S.M. Aguilonius, ed., Elsevier, 84:21-29, 1990.


66.           Brown J.H., Trilivas I. and Martinson E.  Muscarinic receptor regulation of protein kinase C distribution and phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis.  Hormone Reception and Signal Transduction in Animals and Plants, C. Kirk, M.A. Venis, and J.A. Roberts, eds., Society for Experimental Biology, 44:147-156, 1990.


67.           Quilliam L., Der C.J., Brown J.H.  GTP-binding protein stimulated phospholipase C and phospholipase D activation in ras-transformed NIH 3T3 fibroblasts.  Second Messengers and Phosphoproteins, 13:59-67, 1990.


68.           Shubeita H., McDonough P.M., Harris A., Knowlton K., Glembotski C.C., Brown J.H., Chien K.R. Endothelin induction of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis, sarcomere assembly and cardiac gene expression in ventricular cell hypertrophy.  J Biol Chem, 265:20555-20562, 1990.


69.           Martinson E., Trilivas I., Brown J.H.  Rapid protein kinase C-dependent activation of phospholipase D leads to delayed 1,2, diglyceride accumulation.  J Biol Chem, 265:22282-22287, 1990.


70.           Trejo J., Brown J.H.  c-fos and c-jun are induced by muscarinic receptor activation of protein kinase C but are differentially regulated by intracellular calcium.  J Biol Chem, 266:7876-7882, 1991.


71.           Trilivas I., McDonough P.M., Brown J.H.Dissociation of protein kinase C redistribution from the phosphorylation of its substrates.  J Biol Chem, 266:8431-8438, 1991.


72.           Schöntal A., Sugarman J., Brown J.H., Hanley M., Feramisco J.R.  Regulation of c-fos and c-jun protooncogene expression by the tumor promoter thapsigargin.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 88:7096-7100, 1991.


73.           Sei C.A., Irons C., Sprenkle A.B., McDonough P.M., Brown J.H., Glembotski C.C.  The alpha-adrenergic stimulation of atrial natriuretic factor expression in cardiac myocytes requires calcium influx, protein kinase C and calmodulin regulated pathways.  J Biol Chem, 266:15910-15916, 1991.


74.           Brown J.H.and E.A. Martinson. Phosphoinositide-generated second messengers in cardiac signal transduction.  Trends Cardiovasc Med,2:209-214, 1992.


75.           Shubeita H.E., Martinson E., M. Van Bilsen, Chien K.R., Brown J.H.  Transcriptional activation of the cardiac myosin light chain 2 and atrial natriuretic factor genes by protein kinase C in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 89:1305-1309, 1992.


76.           Trejo J., Chambard J.-C., Karin M., Brown J.H.  Biphasic increase in c-jun mRNA is required for induction of AP-1 mediated gene transcription:  differential effects of muscarinic and thrombin receptor activation.  Mol Cell Biol, 12:4742-4750, 1992.


77.           McDonough P., Brown J.H., Glembotski C.  Phenylephrine and endothelin differentially stimulate cardiac PI hydrolysis and ANF expression.  Am J Physiol, 264:H625-H630, 1993.


78.           Knowlton K., Michel M.C., Itani M., Shubeita H., Ishihara K., Brown J.H., Chien K.R. The a1A-adrenergic receptor subtype mediates biochemical, molecular and morphologic features of cultured myocardial cell hypertrophy.  J Biol Chem, 268:15374-15380, 1993.


79.           LaMorte V., Kennedy E., Collins L., Goldstein D., Harootunian A., Brown J.H., Feramisco J.R.  A requirement for Ras protein function in thrombin-stimulated mitogenesis in astrocytoma cells.  J Biol Chem, 268:19411-19415, 1993.


80.           Puceat M. and Brown J.H. Protein kinase C in the heart. In:  Protein Kinase C, J.F. Kuo, ed., Oxford University Press, pp. 249-268, 1994.


81.           Taylor P. and Brown J.H.  Acetylcholine. In:  Basic Neurochemistry:  Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects, Fifth Edition, G.J. Siegel, ed. Raven Press, pp. 231-260, 1994.


82.           LaMorte V., Thorburn J., Absher D., Spiegel A., Brown J.H., Chien K., Feramisco J.R., Knowlton K. Gq- and Ras-dependent pathways mediate hypertrophy of neonatal rat ventricular myocytes following a1-adrenergic stimulation.  J Biol Chem, 269:13490-13496, 1994.


83.           Puceat M., Hilal-Dandan R., Strulovici B., Brunton L.L., Brown J.H.  Differential regulation of protein kinase C isoforms in isolated neonatal and adult rat cardiomyocytes.  J Biol Chem, 269:16938-16944, 1994.


84.           Trejo J., Massamiri T., Deng T., Dewji N., Bayney R., Brown J.H.  A direct role for protein kinase C and the transcription factor JUN/AP-1 in regulation of the Alzheimer's β-amyloid precursor protein gene.  J Biol Chem, 269:21682-21690, 1994.


85.           Nieto M., Kennedy E., Goldstein D., Brown J.H.  Rapid heterologous desensitization of muscarinic and thrombin receptor-mediated phospholipase D activation.  Mol Pharmacol, 46:406-413, 1994.


86.           Ramirez M.T. and Brown J.H. Cardiac muscarinic cholinergic receptor signaling:  phospholipase C activation, kinase cascades and gene expression.  In:  Molecular Mechanisms of Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor Function, J. Wess, ed, Landes Publishing Co., pp. 92-102, 1995.


87.           Brown J.H.and Taylor P.  Muscarinic receptor agonists and antagonists.  In:  Goodman and Gilman’s, The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Ninth Edition, J. Hardman and L. Limbird, eds., Pergamon Press, pp. 141-160, 1995.


88.           Ramirez M.T., Post G.R., Sulakhe P.V., Brown J.H.  M1muscarinic receptors heterologously expressed in cardiomyocytes mediate Ras-dependent changes in gene expression.  J Biol Chem, 270:8446-8451, 1995.


89.           Aragay A., Collins L.R., Post G.R., Watson A.J., Feramisco J.R., Brown J.H., M.I. Simon.  G12requirement for thrombin-stimulated gene expression and DNA synthesis in 1321N1 astrocytoma cells.  J Biol Chem, 270:20073-20077, 1995.


90.           Post G.R. and Brown J.H.  G protein-coupled receptors and signaling pathways regulating growth responses.  FASEB J, 10:741-749, 1996.


91.           Post G.R., Goldstein D., Thuerauf D.J., Glembotski C.C., Brown J.H.  Dissociation of p44 and p42 mitogen-activated protein kinase activation from receptor induced hypertrophy in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes.  J Biol Chem, 271:8452-8457, 1996.


92.           Collins L., Minden A., Karin M., Brown J.H.  Ga12stimulates c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase through the small G proteins Ras and Rac.  J Biol Chem, 271:17349-17353, 1996.


93.           Post G.R., Collins L.R., Kennedy E.D., Moskowitz S.A., Aragay A.M., Goldstein D., Brown J.H.  Coupling of the thrombin receptor to G12may account for selective effects of thrombin on gene expression and DNA synthesis in 1321N1 astrocytoma cells.  Mol Biol Cell, 7:1679-1690, 1996.


94.           Sah V.P., Hoshijima M., Chien K.R., Brown J.H.  Rho is required for Gaqand a1-adrenergic receptor signaling in cardiomyocytes.   J Biol Chem, 271:31185-31190, 1996.


95.           Brown J.H.  Cyclic GMP synthesis in rat heart:  invited commentary.  Cardiovascular Pathobiology, 1:13-14, 1996.


96.           Brown J.H., V. Sah, S. Moskowitz, T. Ramirez, Collins L., G. Post and Goldstein D.  Pathways and Roadblocks in muscarinic receptor-mediated growth regulation.  Life Sci, 60:1077-1084, 1997.


97.           Hilal-Dandan R., Ramirez M.T., Villegas S., Gonzalez A., Endo-Mochizuki Y., Brown J.H., Brunton L.L. Endothelin ETAreceptor regulates signaling and ANF gene expression via multiple G protein-linked pathways.  Am J Physiol, 272:H130-H137, 1997.


98.           Sheng Z., Knowlton K., Chen J., Hoshijima M., Brown J.H., Chien K.R.  Cardiotrophin 1 (CT-1) inhibition of cardiac myocyte apoptosis via a mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent pathway:  Divergence from downstream CT-1 signals for myocardial cell hypertrophy.  J Biol Chem, 272:5783-5791, 1997.


99.           Ramirez M.T., Sah V.P., Zhao X.L., Hunter J.J., Chien K.R., Brown J.H.  The MEKK-JNK pathway is stimulated by a1-adrenergic receptor and Ras Activation and is associated with in vitroand in vivocardiac hypertrophy.  J. Biol Chem, 272:14057-14061, 1997.


100.        Collins L.R., Ricketts W.A., Olefsky J.M., Brown J.H.  The G12coupled thrombin receptor stimulates mitogenesis through the Shc SH2domain.  Oncogene15:595-600, 1997.


101.        Ramirez M.T., Zhao X.L., Schulman H., Brown J.H. The nuclear δBisoform of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II regulates atrial natriuretic factor gene expression in ventricular myocytes.  J Biol Chem, 272:31203-31208, 1997.


102.        Wang Y., Huang S., Sah V.P., Ross J., Brown J.H., Han J., Chien K.R. Cardiac muscle cell hypertrophy and apoptosis induced by distinct members of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase family.  J Biol Chem, 273:2161-2168, 1998.


103.        Hoshijima M., Sah V.P., Wang Y., Chien K.R., Brown J.H.  The low molecular weight GTPase Rho regulates myofibril formation and organization in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes:  involvement of Rho kinase.  J Biol Chem, 273:7725-7730, 1998.


104.        Wang Y., Su B., Sah V.P., Brown J.H., Han J., Chien K.R.  Cardiac hypertrophy induced by mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 7, a specific activator for c-Jun NH2terminal kinase in ventricular muscle cells. J Biol Chem, 273:5423-5426, 1998.


105.        Majumdar M., Seasholtz T.M., Goldstein D., De Lanerolle P., Brown J.H.  Requirement for Rho-mediated myosin light chain phosphorylation in thrombin-stimulated cell rounding and its dissociation from mitogenesis.  J Biol Chem, 273:10099-10106, 1998.


106.        Adams J.W., Sah V.P., Henderson S.A., Brown J.H.Tyrosine kinase and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase mediate hypertrophic responses to prostaglandin F2ain cultured neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. Circ Res, 83:167-178, 1998.


107.        Adams J.W., Sakata Y, Davis M.G., Sah V.P., Wang Y., Liggett S.B., Chien K.R., Brown J.H., Dorn II G.W. Enhanced Gaq signaling: a common pathway mediates cardiac hypertrophy and apoptotic heart failure. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 95:10140-10145, 1998.


108.        Taylor P. and Brown J.H.  Acetylcholine.  In:  Basic Neurochemistry:  Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects, Sixth Edition, G.J. Siegel, et al. eds. Raven Press, pp. 213-242, 1999.


109.        Dorn II and Brown J.H.  Gqsignaling in cardiac adaptation and maladaptation.  Trends Cardiovasc Med, 9:26-34, 1999. 


110.        Seasholtz T.M., Majumdar M. and Brown J.H.  Rho as a mediator of G protein-coupled receptor signaling. Mol Pharm, 55:949-956, 1999.


111.        Seasholtz T.M., Majumdar M., Kaplan D.D., Brown J.H.  Rho and Rho kinase mediate thrombin-stimulated vascular smooth muscle cell DNA synthesis and migration.  Circ. Res. 84:1186-1193, 1999.


112.        Sah V.P., Minamisawa S., Tam S.P., Wu T.H., Chien K.R., Dorn II G.W., Ross Jr. J., Brown J.H.  Cardiac-specific overexpression of Rho A results in sinus and atrioventricular nodal dysfunction and contractile failure.  J. Clin. Invest., 103:1627-1634, 1999.


113.        Majumdar M., Seasholtz T., Buckmaster C, Toksoz D., Brown J.H.  A Rho exchange factor mediates thrombin and Ga12-induced cytoskeletal responses.  J. Biol. Chem., 274:26815-26821, 1999.


114.        Imamura T., Vollenweider P., Egawa K., Clodi M., Ishibashi K., Nakashima N., Ugi S., Adams J.W., Brown J.H., Olefsky J.M. Gaq /11protein plays a key role in insulin induced glucose transport in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.  Mol. Cell Biol, 19:6765-6774, 1999.


115.Ricketts W.A., , Olefsky J.M.  Pertussis toxin-sensitive and -insensitive thrombin stimulation of Shc Phosphorylation and mitogenesis are mediated through distinct pathways. , 13:1988-2001, 1999.


116.Sah V.P., Seasholtz T.M., Sagi S.A. and   The Role of Rho in G-protein-coupled receptor signal transduction. 40:459-489, 2000.


117.        Morissette M.R., Sah V.P., Glembotski C.C., Brown J.H.The Rho effector, PKN, regulates ANF gene transcription in cardiomyocytes through a serum response element. Am J Physiol, 278:H1769-H1774, 2000.


118.        Adams J.W., Pagel A.L., Means C.K., Oksenberg D., Armstrong R.C., Brown J.H.  Cardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by Gaq signaling is mediated by permeability transition pore formation and activation of the mitochondrial death pathway. Circ. Res.,87:1180-1187, 2000.


119.        Brown J.H.and Taylor P. Muscarinic receptor agonists and antagonists. In:  Goodman and Gilman’s, The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Tenth Edition, A. Gilman, J. Hardman and L. Limbird, eds., McGraw-Hill  Press, 155-173, 2001.


120.        Adams J.W. and Brown J.H.G-proteins in growth and apoptosis:  Lessons from the heart. Oncogene, 20:1626-1634, 2001. 


121.        Sagi S.A., Seasholtz T.M., Kobiashvili M., Wilson B.A., Toksoz D., Brown J.H.  Physical and functional interactions of Gαq with Rho and its Exchange Factors. J. Biol Chem., 276:15445-15452, 2001.


122.        Seasholtz T.M., Zhang T., Morissette M.R., Pagel A.L., Yang A.H., Brown J.H.Increased expression and activity of RhoA is associated with increased DNA synthesis and reduced p27Kip1 expression in the vasculature of hypertensive rats. Circ Res, 89:488-495, 2001.


123.        Ishii I., Friedman B., Ye X., Kawamura S., McGiffert C., Contos J.J.A., Kingsbury M.A., Zhang G., Brown J.H., Chun J. Selective loss of sphingosine 1-phosphate signaling with no obvious phenotypic abnormality in mice lacking its G protein-coupled receptor, LPB3/EDG-3. J. Biol Chem., 276:33697-33704, 2001.


124.        Zhang T., Johnson E.N., Gu Y., Morissette M.R., Sah V.P., Gigena M., Belke D.D., Dillman W.H., Rogers T.B., Schulman H., Ross. J. Jr, Brown J.H.The cardiac-specific nuclear δBisoform of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II induces hypertrophy and dilated cardiomyopathy associated with increased PP2A activity. J. Biol Chem., 277:1261-1267, 2002.


125.        Woodcock E., Wang B.H., Arthur J.F., Lennard A., Matkovich S.J., Du X.J., Brown J.H., Hannan R.D. Inositol polyphosphate 1-phosphatase is a novel anti-hypertrophic factor. J Biol Chem., 277:22734-22742, 2002.


126.        Ishii I., Ye X., Friedman B., Kawamura S., Contos J.J.A., Kingsbury M.A., Yang A.H., Zhang G., Brown J.H., Chun J. Marked perinatal lethality and cellular signaling deficits in mice null for the two sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors, S1P2/LPB2/EDG-5 and S1P3/LPB3/EDG-3.J Biol Chem, 277:25152-25159, 2002.


127.        Contos J.J.A., Ishii I., Fukushima N., Kingsbury M.A., Ye X., Kawamura S., Brown J.H., Chun J. Characterization of LPA2(EDG-4) and LPA1/LPA2(EDG-2/EDG-4) lysophosphatidic acid receptor knockout mice:  signaling deficits without obvious phenotypic abnormality attributable to LPA2. Mol Cell Biol, 22:6921-6929, 2002.


128.        Petrich B.G., Gong X., Lerner D., Wang X., Brown J.H., Saffitz J., Wang Y. C-Jun N-terminal kinase activation mediates downregulation of connexin43 in cardiomyocytes.  Circ Res, 91:640-647, 2002.


129.        Zhu W.Z., Wang S.Q., Chakir K., Zhang T., Brown J.H., Devic E., Kobilka B.K., H. Cheng, R.P. Xiao. Linkage of β1-Adrenergic stimulation to apoptotic heart cell death through PKA-independent activation of Ca2+/calmodulin kinase II.  J Clin Invest, 111:617-625, 2003.


130.        Zhang T., Maier L.S., Dalton N.D., Miyamoto S., Ross J. Jr., Bers D.M., Brown J.H.The δCisoform of CaMKII is activated in cardiac hypertrophy and induces dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure. Circ Res,92:912-919, 2003.


131.        Maier L.S., Zhang T., Chen L., Desantiago J., Brown J.H., Bers D.M. Transgenic CaMKIIδCoverexpression uniquely alters cardiac myocyte Ca2+handling:  reduced SR Ca2+load and activated SR Ca2+release. Circ Res,92:904-11, 2003.


132.        Pham T.M., Morris J.B., Arthur J.F., Post G.R., Brown J.H., Woodcock E.A. UTP but not ATP causes hypertrophic growth in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. J Mol Cell Cardiol, 35:287-292, 2003.


133.        Bayer A.L., Heidkamp M.C., Howes A.L., Brown J.H., Byron K.L., Samarel A.M. Protein kinase Ce-dependent activation of proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 35:1121-1133, 2003.


134.        Morissette M.R., Howes A.L., Zhang T., Brown J.H. Upregulation of GLUT1 expression is necessary for hypertrophy and survival in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 35:1217-1227, 2003.


135.        Kawamura S., Miyamoto S., Brown J.H.  Initiation and transduction of stretch-induced Rho and Rac1 activation through caveolae: cytoskeletal regulation of ERK translocation.  J Biol Chem. 278:31111-31117, 2003.


136.        Howes A.L., Arthur J.F., Zhang T., Miyamoto S., Adams J.W., Dorn II G.W., Woodcock E.A., Brown J.H. Akt-mediated cardiomyocyte survival pathways are compromised by Gaq-induced phosphoinositide 4,5-bisphosphate depletion.J Biol Chem. 278:40343-40351, 2003.


137.        Hayakawa Y., Chandra M., Miao W., Sharini J., Brown J.H., Dorn G.W., Armstrong R.C., Kitsis R.N..  Inhibition of cardiac myocyte apoptosis improves cardiac function and abolishes mortality in the peripartum cardiomyopathy of Gaq transgenic mice.  Circulation, 108:3036-3041, 2003.


138.        Johnson E.N., Seasholtz T.M., Waheed A.A., Kreutz B., Suzuki N., Kozasa T., Jones T.L., Brown J.H., Druey K.M.  RGS16 inhibits signaling through the Ga13-Rho axis. Nature Cell Biology, 5:1095-1103, 2003.


139.        Steinberg S., Karin M. and Brown J.H.Cardiovascular signaling pathways in The Molecular Basis of Cardiovascular Disease:  A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease, 2ndEdition. WB Sauders, ed. Kenneth R. Chien. Published, Saunders, an Imprint of Elsevier, 123-174, 2004.


140.        Zhang T., Miyamoto S., and Brown J.H.   Cardiomyocyte calcium and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II:  friends or foes?  Recent Prog Horm Res, 59:141-168, 2004.


141.        Radeff-Huang J., Seasholtz T.M., Matteo R.G. and Brown J.H. G-protein mediated signaling pathways in lysophospholipid induced cell proliferation and survival.  J Cell Biochem,92:949-966, 2004. 


142.        Zhang T., Brown J.H.  Role of Ca2+/ calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure.  Cardiovasc Res, 63:476-486, 2004.


143.        Seasholtz, T.M. and Brown J.H.  Rho Signaling in Vascular DiseasesMol Interv,4:348-357, 2004.


144.        Hilal-Dandan R., Means C.K., Gustafsson A.B., Morissette M.R., Adams J.W., Brunton L.L., Brown J.H., Lysophosphatidic acid induces hypetrophy of neonatal cardiac myocytes via activation of Giand Rho.  J Mol Cell Cardiol, 36:481-493, 2004.


145.        Seasholtz T.M., Radeff-Huang J., Sagi S.A., Matteo R., Weems J.M., Cohen, A.S., Feramisco J.R., Brown J.H.  Rho-mediated cytoskeletal rearrangement in response to LPA is functionally antagonized by Rac1 and PIP2.  J Neurochem,91:501-512, 2004.


146.        Brown J.H.and Taylor P. Muscarinic receptor agonists and antagonists. In:  Goodman and Gilman’s, The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Eleventh Edition, eds., McGraw-Hill Press, 183-200, 2005.


147.        Miyamoto S., Howes A.L., Adams J.W., Dorn II, G.W. and Brown J.H.Ca2+dysregulation induces mitochondrial depolarization and apoptosis:  role of Na+/Ca2+exchanger and Akt. J Biol Chem280:38505-38512,2005.


148.        Taylor P. and Brown J.H.  Acetylcholine.  In:  Basic Neurochemistry:  Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects, Seventh Edition, G.J. Siegel, et al. eds. Elsevier Academic Press, 185-209, 2006.


149.        Brown J.H., Del Re D.P., Sussman, M.A. The Rac and Rho hall of fame:  a decade of hypertrophic signaling hits. Circ Res.  98:730-742, 2006.


150.        Howes A.L., Miyamoto S., Adams J.W., Woodcock E.A. and Brown J.H.Gαq expression activates EGFR and induces Akt mediated cardiomyocyte survival:  dissociation from Gαq mediated hypertrophy. J Mol Cell Cardiol,40:597-604, 2006.  


151.        Wu X., Zhang T., Bossuyt J., Li X., McKinsey T., Dedman J.R., Olson E.N., Chen J., Brown J.H., Bers D.M.  Local InsP3-dependent perinuclear Ca2+ signaling in cardiac myocyte excitation-transcription coupling. J Clin Invest,116:675-682, 2006. Highlighted by an editorial.


152.        Kohlhaas M., Zhang T., Seidler T., Zibrova D., Dybkova N., Steen A., Wagner S., Chen L., Brown J.H., Bers D.M., Maier L.S. Increased sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium leak but unaltered contractility by acute CaMKII overexpression in isolated rabbit cardiac myocytes. Circ Res.98:235-244, 2006. Highlighted by an editorial.


153.        Seasholtz T.M., Wessel J., Rao F., Rana B.K., Khandrika S., Kennedy B.P., Lillie E.O., Ziegler M.G., Smith D.W., Schork N.J., Brown J.H., and O’Connor D.T. Rho kinase polymorphism influences blood pressure and systemic vascular resistance in human twins. Role of heredity.  Hypertension,47:937-947, 2006. 


154.        Wagner S., Dybkova N., Rasenack E., Jacobshagen C., Fabritz L., Kirchhof P. Maier S., Zhang T., Hasenfuss G., Brown J.H., Bers D., Maier L.,  Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II regulates cardiac Na+channels.  J Clin Invest.  116:3127-3138, 2006.Highlighted by an editorial.


155.        Maier L.S., Bers D.M., Brown J.H.Calmodulin and Ca2+/calmodulin Kinases in the heart-physiology and pathology. Editorial Review, Cardiovasc Res, 73:629-630, 2007.


156.        Radeff-Huang J., Seasholtz T.M., Chang J.W., Smith, J.M., Walsh, C.T. and Brown J.H.  Tumor necrosis factor- a-stimulated cell proliferation is mediated through sphingosine kinase-dependent Akt activation and cyclin D expression.  J Biol Chem.282:863-870, 2007.


157.        Del ReD.P., Miyamoto S. and Brown J.H.RhoA/Rho kinase upregulate Bax to activate a mitochondrial death pathway and induce cardiomyocyte apoptosis. J Biol Chem.  282:8069-8078, 2007.


158.        Means C.K., Xiao C.Y., Li Z., Zhang T., Omens J.H., Ishii I., Chun J. and Brown J.H. Sphingosine 1 Phosphate S1P2and S1P3receptor-mediated Akt activation protects against in vivomyocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury.  Am J PhysiolHeart Circ Physiol.  292:H2944-2951, 2007.


159.        Citro S., Malik S., Oestreich E.A., Radeff-Huang J., Kelley G.G., Smrcka A. and Brown J.H.  Phospholipase Ceis a nexus for Rho and Rap-mediated GPCR induced astrocyte proliferation.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104:15543-15548, 2007.


160.        Zhang T., Kohlhaas M., Backs J., Mishra S., Phillips W., Dybkova N., Chang S., Ling H., Bers D., Maier L., Olson E. and Brown J.H.  CaMKIIdisoforms differentially affect calcium handling but similarly regulate HDAC/MEF2 transcriptional responses.  J Biol Chem.  282:35078-35087, 2007. 


161.        Miyamoto S., Murphy A.N. and Brown J.H.Akt mediates mitochondrial protection in cardiomyocytes through phosphorylation of mitochondrial hexokinase-II.  Cell Death Differ.  15:521–529, 2008.


162.        Means C.K., Miyamoto S., Chun J. and Brown J.H.  S1P1receptor localization confers selectivity for GimediatedcAMP and contractile responses.  J Biol Chem. 283:11954-11963, 2008.


163.        Haga J.H., Kaunas R., Radeff-Huang J., Weems J.M., Estrada K.D., Chien S., Brown J.H.and Seasholtz T.M. Pulsatile equibiaxial stretch inhibits thrombin-induced RhoA and NF-kB activation.  Biochem Biophys Res Commun372:216-220, 2008. 


164.        Walsh C.T., Radeff-Huang J., Matteo R., Hsiao A., Subramaniam S., Stupack D. and Brown J.H.  Thrombin receptor and RhoA mediate cell proliferation through integrins and cysteine-rich protein 61.  FASEB J 22:4011-4021, Nov.2008.


165.        Walsh C.T., Stupack D. and Brown J.H.G protein-coupled receptors go extracellular:  RhoA integrates the integrins. Mol Interv8:165-173, 2008.


166.        Del Re D.P., Miyamoto S. and Brown J.H.  Fak as a RhoA-activable signaling scaffold mediating Akt activation and cardiomyocyte protection.  J Biol Chem283:35622-35629, 2008.


167.        Sheikh F., Raskin A., Chu P., Lange S., Domenighetti A., Zheng M., Liang X., Zhang T., Yajima T., Gu Y., Dalton N.D., Mahata S.K., Dorn G.W., Brown J.H.,Peterson K.L., Omens J.H., McCulloch A.D. and Chen J. An FHL1-containing complex within the cardiomyocyte sarcomere mediates hypertrophic biomechanical stress responses in mice. J Clin Invest,118:3870-3880, 2008 .


168.        Diwan A., Matkovich S.J., Yuan Q., Zhao W., Yatani A., Brown J.H., Molkentin J.D., Kranias E.G., and Dorn G.W. Endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria crosstalk in NIX-mediated murine cell death. J Clin Invest119:203-212, 2009. 


169.        Ling H., Zhang T., Pereira L., Means C.K., Cheng H., Gu Y., Dalton N.D., Peterson K.L., Chen J., Bers D., and Brown J.H.  Requirement for Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II in the transition from pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy to heart failure in mice.   J Clin Invest, 119:1230-1240, 2009 (selected by Faculty of 1000; commentary in JCI119:1082-1085).


170.        Catalucci D., Zhang D.H., DeSantiago J., Aimond F., Barbara G., Chemin J., Bonci D., Picht E., Rusconi F., Dalton N.D., Peterson K.L., Richard S., Bers D.M., Brown J.H.and Condorelli G. Akt regulates L-type calcium channel activity by modulating Caval protein stability. J Cell Bio,184:923-933, 2009.


171.        Rubio M., Avitabile D., Fischer K., Emmanuel G., Gude N., Miyamoto S., Mishra S., Schaefer E.M., Brown J.H., and Sussman M.A.  Cardioprotective stimuli mediate phosphoinositide 3-kinase and phosphoinositide dependent kinase 1 nuclear accumulation in cardiomyocytes. J Mol Cell Cardiol, 47:96-103, 2009.


172.        Means C.K. and Brown J.H.Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor signalling in the heart. Cardiovasc Res,82:193-200, 2009.


173.        Karliner J.S. andBrown J.H.Lipid Signalling in cardiovascular pathophysiology. Cardiovasc Res, 82: 171-174, 2009.


174.        Miyamoto S., Murphy A.N. and Brown J.H.  Akt mediated mitochondrial protection in the heart:  metabolic and survival pathways to the rescue.  J Bioenerg Biomembr, 41:169-180, 2009.


175.        MacDonnell S.M., Weisser-Thomas J., Kubo H., Hanscome M., Liu Q., Jaleel N., Berretta R., Chen X., Brown J.H., Sabri A.K., Molkentin J.D. and Houser S.R. CaMKII negatively regulates calcineurin-NFAT signaling in cardiac myocytes. Circ Res, 105:316-325, 2009. Highlighted by an editorial.


176.        Catalucci D., Latronico M.V., Ceci M., Rusconi F., Young H.S., Gallo P., Santonastasi M., Bellacosa A., Brown J.H.and Condorelli G.  AKT increases sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+cycling by direct phosphorylation of phospholamban (PLN) at Thr17. J Biol Chem, 284:28180-28187, 2009.


177.        Sag C.M., Wadsack D.P., Khabbazzadeh S., Abesser M., Grefe C., Neumann K., Opiela M.K., Backs J., Olson E.N., Brown J.H., Neef S., Maier S. and Maier L.S. Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II contributes to cardiac arrhythmogenesis in heart failure. Circ: Heart Failure, 2: 664-675,2009. 


178.        Grimm M. and Brown J.H.β-Adrenergic receptor signaling in the heart: role of CaMKII. J Mol Cell Cardiol, 48: 322-330, 2010.


179.        Mani S.K., Egan E.A., Addy B.K., Grimm M., Kasiganesan H., Thiyagarajan T., Renaud L., Brown J.H., Kern C.B., and Menick D.R. β-Adrenergic receptor stimulatedNcx1upregulation ismediated via a CaMKII/AP-1 signaling pathway in adult cardiomyocytes. J Mol Cell Cardiol, 48: 342-351, 2010.


180.        Zhang T., Guo T., Mishra S., Dalton N.D., Kranias E.G., Peterson K.L., Bers D.M. and Brown J.H.  Phospholamban ablation rescues sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+handling but exacerbates cardiac dysfunction in CaMKIIδCtransgenic mice.  Circ Res,106: 354-362, 2010. Highlighted by an editorial.


181.        Carretero-Ortega J., Walsh C.T., Hernández-García R., Reyes-CruzG., Brown J.H., and Vázquez-Prado J. P-Rex1, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rac, mediates angiogenic responses to SDF-1/CXCL-12 linked to Rac activation, endothelial cell migration and in vitro angiogenesis.  Mol Pharm, 77:435-442, 2010.     


182.        Borillo G.A., Mason M., Quijada P., Völkers M., Cottage C., McGregor M., Din S., Fischer K., Gude N., Avitable D., Barlow S., Alvarez R., Truffa S., Whittaker R., Glassy M.S., Gustafsson A.B., Miyamoto S., Glembotski C.C., Gottlieb R.A., Brown J.H.and Sussman M.A.  Pim-1 kinase protects mitochondrial integrity in cardiomyocytes. Circ Res, 106:1265-1274, 2010.


183.        Miyamoto S., Del Re D.P., Xiang S.Y., Zhao X., Florholmen G., and Brown J. H.Revisited and revised:  Is RhoA always a villain in cardiac pathophysiology? J. Cardio and Trans Res, 3:330-343 2010.


184.        Zhang D., Contu R., Latronico M.V., Zhang J.L., Rizzi R., Catalucci D., Miyamoto S., Huang K., Ceci M., Gu Y., Dalton N.D., Peterson K.L., Guan K.L., Brown J.H., Chen J., Sonenberg N., Condorelli G. MTORC1 regulates cardiac function and myocyte survival through 4E-BP1 inhibition in mice. J Clin Invest, 120:2805-2816, 2010.


185.        Miyamoto S., Purcell N.H., Smith J.M., Gao T., Whittaker R., Huang K., Castillo R., Glembotski C.C., Sussman M.A., Newton A.C., and Brown J.H.PHLPP-1 negatively regulates Akt activity and survival in the heart. Circ Res, 107:476-484, 2010. Highlighted by an editorial.


186.        Elrod J.W., Wong R., Mishra S., Vagnozzi R.J., Sakthievel B., Goonasekera S.A., Karch J., Gabel S., Farber J., Force T., Brown J.H., Murphy E., and Molkentin J. Cyclophilin-D controls mitochondrial pore-dependent Ca2+ exchange, metabolic flexibility and predisposition for heart failure in mice. J. Clin Invest, 120:3680-3687, 2010.


187.        Mishra S., Ling H., Grimm M., Zhang T., Bers D.M., Brown J.H.Cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure development through Gq and CaM Kinase II signaling. J. Cardio Pharm, 56: 598-603, 2010.


188.        Brown J.H.and Laiken, N.  Muscarinic receptor agonists and antagonists. In: Goodman and Gilman’s, The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Twelfth Edition, McGraw-Hill Press, 219-238, 2011.


189.        Dybkova N., Sedej S., Napolitano C., Neef S., Rokita A.G., Hunlich M, Brown J. H., Kockskamper J., Priori S.G., Pieske B and Maier LS.  Overexpression of CaMKIIδc in RyR2 (R4496C+/-) knock-in mice leads to altered intracellular Ca2+-handling and increased mortality. J Am College Cardio, 57:469-479, 2011.


190.        Huke S., DeSantiago J., Kaetzel M.A., Mishra S., Brown J.H., Dedman J.R., and Bers D.M.  SR-targeted CaMKII inhibition improves SR Cahandling, but accelerates cardiac remodeling in mice overexpressing CaMKIIδC.  J. Mol Cell Cardiol, 50:230-238, 2011. 


191.        Sadayappan S., Gulick J., Osinska H., Barefield D., Cuello F., Avkiran M., Lasko V.M., Lorenz J.N., Maillet M., Martin J.L., Brown J.H., Bers D.M., Molkentin J. D., James J., and Robbins J. A critical function for Ser-282 in cardiac Myosin binding protein-C phosphorylation and cardiac function. Circ Res, 109: 141-150, 2011. 


192.        Xiang S. Y., Vanhoutte D., Del Re D. P., Purcell N.H.,Ling H., Banerjee I., Bossuyt J., Lang R.A., Zheng Y., Matkovich S.J.,Miyamoto S., Molkentin J.D., Dorn II G.W. 2nd, and Brown J.H.. RhoA protects the mouse heart against ischemia/reperfusion injury. J. Clin Invest, 121: 3269-3276 2011.


193.        Grimm M., Ling H., Brown J.H.Crossing signals: relationships between β-adrenergic stimulation and CaMKII activation. Heart Rhythm, 8: 1296-1298, 2011. 


194.        Cheng Z., Volkers M., Din S., Avitabile D., Khan M., Gude N., Mohsin S., Bo T., Truffa S., Alvarez R., Mason M., Fischer K.M., Konstandin M.H., Zhang X.K., Brown J.H., and Sussman M.A. Mitochondrial translocation of Nur77 mediates cardiomyocyte apoptosis. Eur Heart J, 32: 2179-2188 2011.


195.        Anderson M.E., Brown J.H.and Bers D.M. CaMKII in myocardial hypertrophy and heart failure. J. Mol Cell Cardiol, 51:468-473, 2011.


196.        Mishra S., Gray C., Miyamoto S., Bers D.M. andBrown J.H.Location matters: clarifying the concept of nuclear and cytosolic CaMKII subtypes. Circ Res, 109: 1354-1362, 2011


197.        Grant B.J., Lukman S., Hocker H.J., Sayyah J., Brown J.H., McCammon J.A., and Gorfe A.A. Novel allosteric sites on Ras for lead generation. PLoS ONE,6(10) e25711, 2011.


198.        Brown J.H.and LaikenN.  Acetylcholine and Muscarinic Receptors.  In:  Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System, Third Addition, Elsevier, 75-77, 2012.


199.        Smrcka A.V., Brown J.H. and Holz G. Role of Phospholipase C epsilon in physiological phosphoinositide signaling networks. Cell Signal, 24(6): 1333–1343, 2012. 


200.        Guo T., Zhang T., Ginsburg K.S., Mishra S., Brown J.H.and Bers D.M. CaMKIIδCslows [Ca2+]i decline in Cardiac Myocytes by promoting Ca2+ sparks. Biophysical J, 102(11): 2461–247, 2012.


201.        Scimia M.C., Hurtado C., Ray S., Metzler S., Wei K., Wang J., Woods C.E., Purcell N.H., Catalucci D., Akasaka T., Bueno O.F., Vlasuk G.P., Kaliman P., Bodmer R., Smith L.H., Ashley E., Mercola M., Brown J.H. and Ruiz-Lozano P. APJ acts as dual receptor in cardiac hypertrophy. Nature, 16;488 (7411):394-8, 2012. (selected by Faculty of 1000).


202.        Ortiz-Sanchez, J.M.; Nichols, S.E.; Sayyah, J.; Brown, J.H.; McCammon, J.A. Grant, B.J. Identification of potential small molecule binding pockets on Rho family GTPases. PLoS One, 7(7):e40809, 2012.


203.        Mo J.S., Yu F., Gong R., Brown J.H., and Guan K.L. Regulation of the Hippo-YAP pathway by the protease activated receptor PAR1. Genes Dev. 26: 2138-2143, 2012.


204.        Miyamoto S., Xiang S.Y., Purcell N. and Brown J.H.Mechanisms and models for elucidating the cardiac effects of Sphingosine 1 phosphate (S1P). In: Lysophospholipid Receptors: Signaling and Biochemistry,373-397, John Wiley &Sons, Inc., 2013.

205.       Chen B., Van Winkle J.A., Lyden P.D., Brown J.H., and Purcell, N.H. PHLPP1 Gene Deletion Protects the Brain from Ischemic Injury.J. Cereb. Blood Flow & Metab., 33(2):196-204, 2013.


206.        Xiang S.Y., Dusaban S.S., and Brown J.H. Lysophospholipid receptor activation of RhoA and lipid signaling pathways. BBA- Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids; 1831(1):213-22, 2013.


207.        Dusaban S.S., Purcell N.H., Rockenstein E., Masliah E, Cho MK, Smrcka AV, and Brown J.H., Phospholipase C-epsilon links G-protein coupled receptor activation to inflammatory astrocytic responses. Proc Natl Acad Sci.110(9):3609-14, 2013.


208.        Ling H., Charles B.B. Gray., Zambon A.C., Grimm M., Gu Y., Dalton N., Purcell N., Peterson K., and Brown J.H.,CaMKIIδ mediates myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury through NFkB. Circulation Research, 112(6):935-44, 2013.


209.        Pereira L., Cheng H., Lao D.H., Na L., van Oort R.J., Brown J.H.,Wehrens X.H., Chen J., Bers D.M., Epac2 mediates cardiac β1-adrenergic-dependent sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ leak and arrhythmia. Circulation;127:913-922, 2013.


210.        Westernbrink D.B., Edwards A, McCulloch A.D, Brown J.H., The Promise of CaMKII inhibition for heart disease: preventing heart failure, Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, Vol. 17, No. 8 , P889-903, 2013.


211.        Xiang S.Y., Ouyang K., Miyamoto S., Smrcka A.V., Chen J., Brown J.H., Phospholipase C epsilon, PKD1 and SSH1L transduce RhoA signaling to protect mitochondria from oxidative stress in the heart. Science Signaling, 17;6(306):ra108, 2013.


212.        Zhang D.M., Chai Y., Erickson J., Brown J.H.,Bers D., Lin Y.F. Modulation of Sarcolemmal ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels by Nitric Oxide via sGC/PKG/ROS/ERK1/2/CaMKII Signaling in Ventricular Cardiomyocytes. J Physiol, 1;592(Pt 5):971-90. 2014.


213.        Benincá C., Planagumà J., Shuck A. F., Acín-Perez R., Muñoz J. P., Almeida M. M., Brown, J.H.,Murphy A. N., Zorzano A., Enríquez J. A., Aragay A. M., A new non-canonical pathway for Gq protein in regulating mitochondrial dynamics and bioenergetics, Cell Signal. (5):1135-46, 2014.


214.        Gray C, Brown J.H., CaMKII delta subtypes: Localization and Function, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 11;5:15, 2014.


215.        Sayyah J, Bartakova A, Nogal N, Quilliam LA, Stupack DG, Brown J.H.,Rap1A mediates thrombin stimulated, integrin-dependent glioblastoma cell proliferation and tumor growth. J Biol Chem. 20;289(25):17689-98 2014


216.        Di Carlo M, Said M., Ling H., Valverde C, DeGiusti V., Sommese L., Palomeque J., Aiello A.,. Skapura D, Rinaldi G., Respress J., Brown J.H., Wehrens X.H.T., Salas M, Mattiazzi, A., CaMKII-dependent phosphorylation of cardiac ryanodine receptors regulates cell death in cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injury. J Mol Cell Cardiol, 74:274-83. 2014.


217.        Zhao X., Ding E.Y., Yu O.M., Xiang S.Y., Tan-Sah V.P., Yung B.S., Hedgpeth J., Neubig R.R., Lau L.F., Brown J.H., Miyamoto S. Induction of the matricellular protein CCN1 through RhoA and MRTF-A contributes to ischemic cardioprotection. J Mol Cell Cardiol.;75:152-61, 2014.


218.        Suarez J, Wang H, Scott BT, Ling H, Makino A, Swanson E, Brown JH, Suarez JA, Feinstein S, Diaz-Juarez J, Dillmann WH. In vivo selective expression of thyroid hormone receptor a1 in endothelial cells attenuates myocardial injury in experimental myocardial infarction in mice. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol; 307(3):R340-6, 2014.


219.        Edwards A.G., Hake J. E., Patel S., Grandi E., Li P., Miyamoto S., Omens J. H.,Brown J.H., Bers D. M., McCulloch A.D, Nonequilibrium reactivation of Na+ current drives early after depolarizations in Mouse Ventricle., Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol.;7(6):1205-13, 2014.


220.        Dusaban S.S., Brown J.H., PLCε mediated sustained signaling pathways, Advances in Biological Regulation, Jan;57C:17-23, 2015.


221.        Westenbrink D.B., Ling H., Miyamoto S., Divakaruni A., Gray C.B.B., Zambon A., Dalton N., Peterson K., Gu Y., Matkovich S., Murphy A., Dorn G.W., Brown J.H., Mitochondrial reprogramming induced by CaMKIIδ mediates hypertrophy decompensation. Circ Res.; 116(5):e28-39, 2015.


222.        Yu O.M and Brown, J.H.,GPCR and RhoA-stimulated transcriptional responses: links to inflammation, differentiation and cell proliferation, Mol Pharmacol.; 88(1):171-80, 2015.


223.        Brown J.H, Catterrall W., Conn P.J., Cull-Candy S.G., Dingledine R., Kendall T., Insel P.A., Milligan G., Traynelis S., The First 50 Years of Molecular Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, 115.099564, 2015.


224.        Grimm M., Ling H., Pereira L., Erickson J.R., Gray C.B.B., cull-cand A., Sarma S., Respress J. L., Wehrens X.T.,

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225.        Dusaban, S, Kunkel, M.T., Smrcka, A.V., Brown J.H., Thrombin Promotes Sustained Signaling and Inflammatory Gene Expression through the CDC25 and Ras Associating Domains of Phospholipase C-epsilon, J Biol Chem.; 290(44):26776-83, 2015.


226.        Yu, OM., Miyamoto, S., Brown, J.H., MRTF-A and YAP exert dual control in GPCR and RhoA-mediated transcriptional regulation and cell proliferation, Mol Cell Biol.; 36(1):39-49, 2016 (highlighted in F1000).


227.        Sanna M.G., Vincent K.P., Repetto E., Nguyen N., Brown S.J, Abgaryan L., Riley S.W, Leaf N.B, Cahalan S.M, Kiosses W.B, Kohno K., Brown J.H., McCulloch A, Rosen H., and Gonzalez-Cabrera P., Bitopic S1P3 Antagonist Rescue from Complete Heart Block: Pharmacological and Genetic Evidence for Direct S1P3 Regulation of Mouse Cardiac Conduction, Mol Pharmacol.;89(1):176-86, 2016.


228.        Panama, B.K., Korogyi A., Aschar-Sobbi, R., Oh, Y., Gray, C.B.B., Gang, H., Brown, J.H., Kirshenbaum, L.A., Backx, H., Reductions in the cardiac transient outward K+ current Ito caused by chronic β-adrenergic receptor stimulation are partly rescued by inhibition of nuclear factor kappaB, J. Biol. Chem. 291(8):4156-65, 2016.


229.        Miyamoto S., Brown J.H., Drp1 and Mitochondrial Autophagy Lend a Helping Hand in Adaptation to Pressure Overload. Circulation, 133(13):1225-7, 2016.


230.        Hoydal, M, Stolen, T.O., Kettlewell, S., Maiers, L.S., Brown, J.H., Sowa, T., Catalucci, D., Condorelli, G., Kemi, O.J., Smith, G.L., Wisloff, U., Exercise Training reverses myocardial dysfunction induced by CaMKIIδc overexpression by restoring Ca2+-homeostasis. Journal of Applied Physiology; 121: 212-220, 2016.


231.        Castaldi A., Chesini. G., Taylor, A., Purcell, N., Brown J.H., Sphingosine 1-Phosphate elicits RhoA-dependent CPC proliferation and MRTF-A mediated gene induction. Cell Signal, 28:871-879, 2016.


232.        Gray, C.B.B., Suetomi, T., Xiang, S., Mishra, S., Blackwood, E.A., Glembotski, C., Miyamoto, S., Westenbrink, B.D., Brown, J.H. CaMKIIdsubtypes differently regulate infarct formation following ex vivomyocardial ischemia/reperfusion through NF-kB and TNF-a. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2017 Feb; 103: 48-55. 


233.        Yung, B., Brand, C., Xiang, Y., Purcell, N.H., Gray, C.B.B., Rosen, H., Chun, J., Miyamoto, S., Brown J.H., Selective coupling of the S1P3 receptor subtype to S1P-mediated RhoA activation and cardioprotection, J Mol Cell Cardiol, 103:1-10. 2017.


234.        Dewenter M., Neef S., Vettel C., Lammle S., Beushausen C., Zelarayan L.C., Katz S., von der Lieth A., Meyer-Roxlau S., Weber S., Wieland T., Sossalla S., Backs J., Brown J.H., Maier L.S., El-Armouche A. Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II Activity Persists During Chronic β-Adrenoceptor Blockade in Experimental and Human Heart Failure. Circ Heart Fail, 2017 May; 10(5):e003840. Doi: 10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.117.003840. PMID2848732.


235.        Dusaban, S.S., Rosen, H., Chun, J., Purcell, N.H., Brown, J.H. Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3 and RhoA signaling mediate inflammatory gene expression in astrocytes. J. Neuroinflammation. 2017 Jun 2; 14(1):111.


236.        Castalidi A., Dodia R.M., Orogo A.M., Zambrano C.M., Najor R.H., Gustafsson A.B., Brown J.H., Purcell N.H. Decline in cellular function of aged mouse c-kit+cardiac progenitor cells. J Physiol. 2017 Oct 1;595(19): 6249-6262. 


237.        Burel, S., Coyan, F.C., Lorenzini, M., Meyer, M.R., Lichti, C.F., Brown, J.H.,Loussouam G, Charpentier, F.,Nerbonne, J.M., Townsend, R., Maier, L.S., Marionneau,. C.C-Terminal Phosphorylation of Nav1.5 Impairs FGF13-Dependent Regulation of Channel Inactivation. J Biol Chem. 2017 Oct 20;292(42):17431-17448.  


238.        Crotty Alexander L.E., Drummond C.A., Hepokoski M., Mathew D.P., Moshensky A., Willeford A., Das S., Singh P., Yong Z., Lee J.H., Vega K., Du A., Shin J., Javier C., Tian J., Brown J. H., Breen E.C. Chronic Inhalation of E-Cigarette Vapor Containing Nicotine Disrupts Airway Barrier Function and Induces Systemic Inflammation and Multi-Organ Fibrosis in Mice.  Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol.2018 Jun 1;314(6):R834-R847.


239.         Yu O.M., Benitez J.A., Plouffe S. W., Ryback D., Klein A., Smith J., Greenbaum J., Delatte B., Rao A., Guan K.L., Furnari F.B., Chaim O.M., Miyamoto S., Brown, J.H. YAP and MRTF-A, transcriptional co-activators of RhoA-mediated gene expression, are critical for glioblastoma tumorigenicity. Oncogene. 2018. Oct;37(41):592-5507.


240.         Willeford A., Suetomi T., Nickle A., Hoffman HM, Miyamoto S., Brown J. H.Cardiomyocyte CaMKIIδ-mediated inflammatory gene expression and inflammasome activation in cardiomyocytes initiate inflammation and induce fibrosis. JCI Insight. 2018. Jun 21; 3 (12): e97054.

241.         Brand C. S., Tan V. P., Brown J. H.,Miyamoto S. RhoA regulates Drp1 mediated mitochondrial fission through ROCK to protect cardiomyocytes. Cell Signal. 2018 Jun 25; 50: 48-57. 


242.       Suetomi, T., Willeford A.W., Brand C. S., Cho Y., Ross R. S., Miyamoto S., Brown J. H. Inflammation and NLRP3 inflammasome activation initiated in response to pressure overload by CaMKIIδ signaling in cardiomyocytes are essential for adverse cardiac remodeling. Circulation.  2018;138: 2530-2544.


243.       Pollack, A. J., Liu, C., Gudlur, A., Mayfield, J. E., Dalton, N. D., Gu, Y., Chen, J., Brown, J. H., Hogan, P. G., Wiley, S. E., Peterson, K. L., Dixon, J. E., A secretory pathway kinase regulates sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca homeostasis and protects against heart failure. Elife. 2018;7: e41378 doi:10.7554/eLife.41378. [Epub ahead of print]. 


244.       Byun, J., Del Re, D. P., Zhai, P., Ikeda, S., Shirakabe, A., Mizushima, W., Miyamoto, S., Brown, J. H., Sadoshima, J. Yes-associated protein (YAP) mediates adaptive cardiac hypertrophy in response to pressure overload. J Biol Chem 294:3603-3617, 2019


245. Byun, J., Del Re, D. P., Zhai, P., Ikeda, S., Shirakabe, A., Mizushima, W., Miyamoto, S., Brown, J. H., Sadoshima, J. Yes-associated protein (YAP) mediates adaptive cardiac hypertrophy in response to pressure overload. J Biol Chem 294:3603-3617, 2019.


246. Suetomi, T., Miyamoto, S., Brown, J.H., Inflammation in non-ischemic heart disease: initiation by cardiomyocyte CaMKII and NLRP3 inflammasome signaling, Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2019 Nov 1;317(5):H877-H890.


247. Lu, S., Liao, Z., Lu, X., Katschinski, D.M., Mercola, M., Chen, J., Brown, J.H., Molkentin, J. D., Bossuyt, J., Bers, D. M., Hyperglycemia Acutely Increases Cytosolic Reactive Oxygen Species via Olinked GlcNAcylation and CaMKII Activation in Mouse Ventricular Myocytes. Circ Res., 2020 May; 126(10):e80-e96


248. Zhang, J.Z., Nguyen, A.H., Miyamoto, S., Brown, J.H., McCulloch, A.D., Zhang, J., Histamine-induced biphasic activation of RhoA allows for persistent RhoA signaling. PloS Biol. 2020 Sep, 18(9): e3000866


249. Ljubojevic-Holzer, S., Herren, A. W., Morotti, S., Holzer, M., Sacherer, M., Wood, B. M., Wallner, M., Sossalla, S., Ivanov, M., Lewinski, D. V., Pieske, B., Brown, J. H., Sedej, S., Bossuyt, J., Bers, D. M., CaMKIIδC Drives Early Adaptive Ca2+ Change and Late Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy. Circ Res., 2020 Oct; 127:1159–1178


250. Dalal, P. J., Sullivan, D. P., Weber, E. W., Sacks, D. B., Gunzer, M., Grumbach, I. M., Brown, J. H., Muller, W. A., Spatiotemporal Restriction of Calcium Signaling in Endothelial Cells during Leukocyte Transmigration. Journal of Experimental Medicine, (2021) 218 (1): e20192378.


251. Ninh, V. K., Brown, J. H., The Contribution of the Cardiomyocyte to Tissue Inflammation inCardiomyopathies, Current Opinion in Physiology, 19: 129-134, 2021.

252. Calcagno, D., Zhang, C., Toomu, A., Huang, K., Ninh, V., Miyamoto, S., Aguirre, A., Fu, Z., Brown, J. H., and King, K., SiglecF(HI) marks late stage neutrophils of the infarcted heart- a single cell transcriptomic analysis of neutrophil diversification. JAHA, 2021, 10:e019019.


253. Pavez-Giani MG, Sánchez-Aguilera PI, Bomer N, Miyamoto S, Booij HG, Giraldo P, Oberdorf-Maass SU, Nijholt KT, Yurista SR, Milting H, van der Meer P, Boer RA, Heller Brown J, Sillje HWH, Westenbrink BD. ATPase Inhibitory Factor-1 Disrupts Mitochondrial Ca2+ Handling and Promotes Pathological Cardiac Hypertrophy through CaMKIIδ. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Apr 23;22(9):4427. doi: 10.3390/ijms22094427

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